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Showing posts from April, 2022

April Fools

 Ah yes, April Fools. The first day of April where everyone pulls pranks and shouts "April Fools" at the top of their lungs afterward. You may be wondering how this holiday came into effect, or you may already know. I myself began wondering how it was started after a friend asked me if I knew.  Off the top of my head, I assumed that the holiday must have been started with something silly. Like how the "got your goat" phrase stemmed from racing horses therapy goats would get stolen which caused them to run erratically during the race, costing their owners money (don't quote me on this fact). It also feels like April Fools isn't a real holiday to me. It's like one of those random things that some people remember to do and some people don't. Unlike with Christmas. Everybody remembers Christmas, some people just don't choose to celebrate it. Anyways, I'm getting sort of off-track, onward with the facts! Gottem Yes you can bully my art skills You