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Showing posts from February, 2022

That One Annoying Day Where Everyone Gets All Touchy-Feely

Credit: iStock/Unsplash Since when did February become so focused on Valentine's Day? Near the beginning of the month, I walked into a CVS and they already had out all the chocolates and candies and whatever else they want you to waste your money on. Like, come on now.  This year, I must admit, I was excited for Valentine's. I had put away my "haha, I'm forever alone" catchphrase and was ready to show some love. However, my efforts did not provide the results I was expecting... But it's a rather complicated and private story that I would prefer to not share. Just know that my "haha, I'm forever alone" jokes are back. While sobbing over my failed romantic endeavors, I've got to wondering what the heck Valentine's Day is even about. Like how did it get started? Why does it have to cause me so much anguish? Unfortunately, Google can't really help with the latter, but I was able to get some answers for the former. So, without further ado,